Tutorial 3- How to Give Effective Presentation?

3 Components of Effective Presentation

Effective Presentation

An effective presentation is consists of three components:
  • Content
  • Design
  • Delivery
All three components have to be on the mark and they have to work together, as well.
When you are writing content, first of all, you should decide on two or three main points and make sure that the content you are writing leads to those points. Find out your audience's needs and what they want to know and tailor your content to the audience to make the content logical, clear and simple.
Clarity and readability should be the first concern regarding design. Never put too much content on a single slide try to keep it large enough to easily. Nobody wants to read too much content so, make the content attractive and useful instead of putting too much content. useful. 
  1. The design of the slide should compliment your content.
  2.  The text color should contrast highly with the background color. 
  3. The background and images used in the slide shouldn't distract from your content.
Don’t forget a winning delivery. Engaging your audience with eye contact and your overall energy is important. Know your main points and emphasize them with your voice and the amount of time you spend on them. Two’s a party; there's a crowd, they say. Some people just read slides, by doing so they are putting PowerPoint between them and the audience and audience will resent it. So only use the slides as support for your presentation.
In many cases, a presentation is a collaborative effort and different people write the content, design the presentation, and deliver it. In this case, all parties involved need to communicate with each other. An effective presenter needs to be flexible, energetic and enthusiastic. This guide will help you to turn your presentation into an imaginative public performance.

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