How to Create Template Drawings in 6 steps
Creating Template Drawings One way to customize AutoCAD is to create template drawings that contain initial drawing setup information and if desired, visible objects and text. When a user starts a new drawing, the settings associated with the template drawing are automatically loaded. If you start a new drawing from the scratch, AutoCAD loads default setup values. For example, the default limits are (0.0, 0.0), (12.0, 9.0) and the default layer is 0 with the white color and the continuous line types. In production drawings, most of the drawing setup values remain the same. For example, the company title block, border, layers, linetypes, dimension variables, text height, LTSCALE, and other drawing setup values do not change. You will save considerable time if you save these values and reload them when starting a new drawing. Standard Template Drawings AutoCAD comes with standard template drawings like Acad.dwt, Acadiso.dwt, Acad3D.dwt, Acadiso3D. dwt, Acad-named plot styles.dwt, an...